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Essays & Articles:

Ideas, tips, and help for you to lose
weight and more importantly, to
keep it off!

Weight loss and weight maintenance are very difficult to accomplish, but it can be done, and you can do it! Come visit with me and we'll talk about it.

My Journey:

I here chronicled my weight loss journey, & continuing journey to maintain my weight loss.
Each week I come back and share my struggle with the weight monster, including me victories and my defeats. Many come here just to check up on what Dotti is up to. Smile

My Stories:

Slices of life, from Al's perspective, and a few poems for my lovely wife.

Stories of the Navy, the dentist, and even some poems.

Musical Interlude:

A collection of MP3 recording of my singing.
Some people enjoy listening to my guitar and singing, and if you are one of those you will like this page. If not, well I have a song there called, "I'm Sorry." Smile

Alaska Cruise:

The sea and 30 years of marriage for two couples! Come share the fun and friendship.

Our best friends joined us on an Alaska Cruise as we all were celebrating our 30th wedding anniversaries. Here is our story.


Want to Quit Smoking?

I was smoking over 3 packs a day and thought I would never be able to quit, but I found it can be done! If I can quit, anyone can.


Useful and fun stuff.