Removal of the "Wendie Plan" from DWLZ

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To accomplish great things, we must not only act but
 also dream, not only plan but also believe. 
Anatole France

Removal of the "Wendie Plan" from DWLZ

After much thought and struggle, I have come to the decision that I must remove the “Wendie Plan” (and the Scenic Route Forum, which has become the “Wendie Plan” forum) from my page and Message Board. It has not been an easy decision because I have tried to create as open a forum as I possible, to provide support for as wide a range of needs as are appearing at my site. However, I cannot tolerate anything that I see as harmful or destructive, and that is what the “Wendie Plan” appears to be to me. Not only that, but the name of my Web page has now unfortunately become tied to this plan. I cannot in good conscience allow this to continue.

For anyone who does not understand my concern allow me to clarify. On WeightWatchers.com I read posts by people complaining that they must gorge themselves beyond their own ability to eat, in order to reach the goal set by the “Wendie Plan.” I read about people who have rightly trained themselves to eat within their range so well, that they find it very difficult to go outside that range, but are pushing themselves to do just that, because the “Wendie Plan” demands it. Frankly I am appalled at this.

And those were only the people who actually understood the “Wendie Plan.” I read the posts of others who have grown even more confused, and without understanding what they were doing, were eating outside their allowable range several days a week trying to follow the “Wendie Plan.” That is specifically one of the objections that I have raised in the past about the “Wendie Plan.”

If that were not enough, I was also personally offended by Wendie claiming that “Dotti herself does not seem to understand the idea behind it.” This plan is not some super-scientific complex concept. It is not some deep dark mystery. Of course I understand the idea behind it, but for some reason Wendie feels it is important to repeatedly tell people that I do not. That is personally painful but is not the reason that I have taken the “Wendie Plan” down off my board.

The “Wendie Plan” is camped out on the very fringes of the WW world. The only way to make it work is to be absolutely religious about your point counting. If you stray from the normal WW plan, you wander only a short distance away, not much beyond what is “normal” for a devotee of the “Wendie Plan.” However, when you are already eating 10 points outside of your range every week, when you wander, you are leaving more than just a few paces from the center. You are leaving the entire state.

Before going to WeightWatchers.com I could kid myself that, even though the “Wendie Plan” was on the fringe, it may be okay to have on my Message Board. Now, I can no longer pretend. I have seen real people doing destructive things because of the “Wendie Plan” and the tentacles of their problem are emanating from my board. I am sorry but that must stop!

I know that Wendie means well and that many people on the Message Board are devoted to her. Nonetheless, I must take this action in order to face myself in the mirror with a clear conscience. Whether or not any of you agree with me, I hope that you can understand my position.

Please be aware that as soon as any posts mentioning the "Wendie Plan" in any way are seen by myself or one of the other administrators or moderators, it will be immediately deleted.

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