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Gardenburger Products


Black Bean Chipotle Veggie Burger (90 cal/3g fat/4g fiber/16g carbs/5g protein/390mg sodium/0g saturated fat) 3 (1.5)
Portabella Veggie Burger (100 cal/2.5g fat/5g fiber/17g carbs/4g protein/490mg sodium/1g saturated fat) 2.5 (1.5)
Sun-Dried Tomato Basil Veggie Burger (100 cal/2.5g fat/4g fiber/17g carbs/4g protein/270mg sodium/0.5g saturated fat) 3 (1.5)
Original Veggie Burger (110 cal/3g fat/4g fiber/16g carbs/5g protein/490mg sodium/1.5g saturated fat) 3 (2)
Veggie Medley Veggie Burger (100 cal/2.5g fat/5g fiber/17g carbs/3g protein/380mg sodium/0g saturated fat) 2.5 (1.5)

* Whenever possible, I calculate ALL my Points on my website with my Offline Points Calculator
in the Half Points Mode, which rounds UP to the nearest Half Point. This keeps my site consist

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