Slipping the Hook 
 How Al Quit Smoking 
by Al Coon

Version 1.0 - Copyright by Dotti's Weight Loss Zone, all rights reserved

Breaking Free

-- Week One --


October 18

Thursday - The Day Before…

Starting Weight: 196

This may be shooting from the hip but it works for Dot and all the preperation in the past didn’t work. Anyway, I QUIT! Tomorrow, I go to the store and load up on things to munch on. I don’t care if I gain 50 lbs.! It would be worth it to stop smoking. I can always lose the weight later.

As a smoker I was able to work up to running 3 miles in about 32 minutes. That’s not bad but I know as a non-smoker I be able to do much better than that!

The scare I suffered in Amsterdam, N.Y. has mostly settled into the past but it has left me free from coffee!!! I have had only 3 or 4 cups since getting back and it’s been weeks since my last cup. I have been drinking hot chocolate at work but that is it.

Quitting will cause suffering but not quitting has caused even more already and would have caused a lot more in the future!!! I am tired of being a slave to the weed. It’s time to declare my freedom from the Master of Disaster.

October 19

Friday - Quit Day

My last cigarette was last night at 11:30 PM. I flushed 3 packs of cigarettes down the toilet and then about 5 singles. I then went to bed. In the morning I took my Cigarest pill, as I did at noon and evening, with my meal. Dot worked from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM. I woke up at 8:50 AM. When she got home she noticed that my breath didn’t smell like cigarettes. So, I told her, “I quit!” Since she had quit 3 days before, she was very alert to such smells on my breath.

Dot and I went over to Shaws and I loaded up on lemon drops, M&Ms, Reeces Pieces, and Candy Kisses (almond). When I had an urge, I was planning to (and did) stuff it out of existence. Then, it was off to the mall to get some books.

I spent the bulk of the day watching the Chessmaster 2100 play itself (3 minutes and 5 minutes per move for each respective color), while reading off and on. I bought the new William Shatner book: Tekwar (and the new “Destroyer” book -- #82 Survival Course) I got into Tekwar a bit in between chess moves.

The third game of the World Series came on at 8:00 PM and I watched the Cincinnati Reds step all over the A’s -- Again! (Game One 7-0; Game Two 5-4; Game Three 8-3) Red’s three, A’s zero.

October 20

Saturday – Day Two
12:30 PM

I am concerned. The first day was easy. This morning was easy. Urges come and pass quickly. Soon that will change. Out of nowhere will come an earth shattering desire for a cigarette. Not yet, but I know it’s coming. Within a day or two.

This morning I got up at 8:50 AM, played around with the VCR’s and TV, and then came back into my room. Mozart is on the speakers and I’m relaxing.

Lightheaded, a bit silly and somewhat tired. I am trying to plug away and get through the day.

I felt the need to go over to the gym about 2:00 PM. I finally talked Dot into going with me, even though she really didn't want to. When looking for a parking place, I over reacted to Dot’s back seat driving, and slammed on the brakes as I pulled into a parking place. Her head actually hit the windshield. Fortunately, it wasn't very hard, and she wasn't hurt, but it frightened me to see my emotions so out of control. I drove back home, walked over to the store (Shaws)and bought a pack of Marlboro Lights 100’s.

October 21

Sunday - No Entry
Weight: 200

October 22

Monday - The Day Before…
7:00 PM

Today at work I made up my mind that I am not letting go this time! I am quitting, and quitting, and quitting again until I quit for good!!! No more fooling around. Yesterday I finished the pack I bought on Saturday. Then I started the carton that I bought at Brooks Drugs. I finished a pack and just started another before I flushed them all down the toilet. It feels so good doing that. I wish the whole quitting process was that refreshing!

I felt terrible all day today. I don’t know if it was the heavy-duty cigarettes (Benson & Hedges Lights 100’s [after smoking NOW’s before I quit]) or if I’m coming down with a bug: headachy, feeling like I have a fever, and tired. I took two aspirin about 30 minutes ago. I feel a little better now. Also, I closed the windows and turned on the air conditioning. It was pushing 80º F inside.

So, I smoked 0 cigarettes on Friday, and about 43 between Saturday, Sunday and today. Average: a little less than 11 per day.

October 23

Tuesday – Quit Day
(A Good Day. A Right Day.)
5:00 PM

It’s coming to the first 24 hour point now. According to my handout from the clinic [the smoking cessation clinic Dotti and I attended in 1986], my blood pressure has dropped; my pulse rate has dropped; my body temperature in my hands and feet has increased to normal; carbon monoxide levels have fallen to less than ½ their original value. Oxygen levels increase as carbon monoxide levels decrease. Chance of a heart attack has already decreased.

I ran 2 miles and walk/ran a third today at the gym. (The first time I went over to the gym the track was flooded. So I went back over later.) My times were the best I have had since the last time I quick smoking and ran. Not really great but a definite improvement. I am looking forward to seeing what times I can run when I have some weeks of non-smoking under my belt instead of just a few hours or days.

October 24

Wednesday – Day Two

Today I read some and then I played my guitar and sang. I have very little thought of smoking when I am singing. Dot went out and bought a cam-corder. (She also picked up a used dinette set.) What an expensive day it turned out to be. Anyway, I spent the evening recording all of our slides onto videotape. It kept me busy and kept my thoughts off of cigarettes.

I got up and took some Rolaids for an upset stomach.
