A Lifetime to Follow  

Version 1.0 - Copyright by Dotti's Weight Loss Zone, all rights reserved

  One man's journey to lose 50 pounds and keep it off.  

The Journey



On day 100 of my journey, this very morning, I stepped up on Mr. Scale, and he said, “206.5 pounds.” I was happy to see that I had not popped up after the late night dinner and other interesting things that happened yesterday.

Yesterday was a busy day. After doing my weigh-in and updating my data for the message board, Dot packed up the suitcases while I ran to the office to pick up a part that I had to carry back to Portland with us. (It was 4 feet long, by 2.5 feet wide and a foot and half tall, which made it inconvenient to put in our car with all our 2 weeks’ worth of stuff. Remember we had an OP kitchen with us. :) ) When I got back Dotti was ready for me to load the car. (She had hurt her neck on the trip down, probably from lifting a heavy suitcase, and there was no way I was letting her do any heavy lifting this time.) I found a cart in the lobby, and we made two trips to the car with it.

The first thing we did, when we got back to Portland, was to stop at the office and get rid of that cursed part. Naturally it was too big to put on top, so it was under other things. I had to unload those things, pull the part out, and then put them back in. Then I carried the part into the office and could finally wash my hands of it. :)

On the way to our apartment we stopped by the post office and picked up our 2 weeks worth of mail. We actually had to stop at two post offices, because we have our PO Box at one, and they hold our mail for home delivery at another one. Then, finally, we could go home. :) When we got there, I set to unloading the car and Dotti started unpacking what I had brought up the stairs. (She also tried out her high-speed Internet connection to make sure using the AOL dial up had not wiped out the At Home software, like it did on my computer several months ago. Fortunately, everything was great and she could get right on to the Internet!)

As Dotti was putting all the perishables away, my oldest son Glenn called from Hawaii and talked for quite a while. We hadn’t heard from him in quite awhile and it was fun catching up on how he was doing, and all the stuff my 3 year old grandson was up to, like hitting a baseball, catching a football and all the stuff us sports minded guys like to see our kids do. :) Glenn, and his little family, are going back to Japan next year when he transfers to a ship in Japan, which is where they were at before going to Hawaii. He said that they will be stopping by for a visit next spring, and I will finally get to see my grandson face to face. Dotti and I are going to spoil that little guy rotten. You can count on that! :)

Next we headed back out to run some errands, starting with a stop at Subway for lunch. Then Dotti picked up her new glasses, but only after I got asked to leave for chewing out a rude and condescending attendant. I don’t think that has ever happened to me before, and it sure felt good. :) Dotti was able to get some help from someone else, who was a bit more civil before I actually left. We also had to run some things to our storage shed, which our son LeRoy had sent home for safe keeping, and that just happened to take us by the Vancouver Mall, and we naturally had to stop for our All American ice cream cone. Unfortunately for Dotti, they only had the absolutely best tasting peanut butter ice cream I have ever had, for the lowest point selection. She can’t get peanut butter down to safe her life. However, they have several other selections that are only half a point more, so, it all worked out well anyway, because she was able to have a cone too. (Which was good for both of us -- I wouldn’t have had mine if she couldn’t have one.)

After a stop at the food store, to pick up some things for the refrigerator, after our two week absence, we were finally able to go home and settle in for the rest of the day. I had been away from my guitar for two weeks, and I just happened to have that new music book that I picked up in Eugene, so spent a couple of hours working my way through it. Then Dotti took some pictures for me to use as my “after” shots on my journal pages on the Website. I didn’t get around to actually eating dinner until after 9:00 PM.

For eating yesterday, during the hectic day, I had my standard breakfast (5 pt.), for lunch a 6-inch sub at Subway (6 pt.), [and a rude attendant (0.0 pt.) - sorry :evil], and for my late night 5 point dinner, I had 1 cup of cereal (2.0 pt.), 1 cup skim milk (2 pt.) and 2 chocolate meringues (1pt.). That brought my meal points for the day to 16.0 points. For snacks, I had 8 cough drops in the morning while driving (2.5 pt.), an All American ice cream cone (1.5 points), a WW Just 2 Points bar (2.0 pt.), 2 chocolate meringues (1.0 pt.), and a Mr. Cookie Face (3 pt.). Snack points for the day: 10 points. Total points for the day: 26.0 points.

For my water yesterday, I drank 12 cups, for 96 ounces.

For exercise, I loaded and unloaded the van, and got some walking in on the errands.

All in all, it was a good day, an OP day. Now, for Sunday.


239.5/206.5/200/BMI:25.9/WK-14/Weight Loss Graph


After 100 days on program, I stepped up on Mr. Scale this morning at 5:45 AM and he said, “207.0 pounds.” Considering that I weighed 215 pounds when I went to bed last night, I thought that was pretty good. (Of course I felt like I needed to move my bed into the rest room last night. :) )

Yesterday Dotti and I went and played racquetball for an hour in the morning, and then we spent a nice quiet day at home. Around dinner time, which we had early, I drank quite a bit of water, had about 42 fluid ounces of WW smoothie shake, and 4 tostados. I thought I was going to bust. I felt bloated all evening, and was way up on what the scale said, before going to bed. Fortunately it was all water and I was able to get rid of most it overnight. It was the highest point day I have had in a while. The point range I am using is 24-31, and my 29.5 is well within that, but most of the time I try and keep my upper limit at 29.0, which is what my limit will be after reaching goal. I made the mistake of adding up my points after dinner instead of before dinner, and so I was higher than I wanted to be, but still within range. However, I did not have a thing to eat after 5:30 PM.

For eating yesterday, I had my standard breakfast (5 pt.). For lunch I had half a Heaven’s Bistro pizza (4.5 pt.) and 4 lemon meringues (2.0 pt.). For dinner I had 4 tostados (9.0 pt.) and a WW Smoothie Shake (2.0 pt.). That brought my meal points to 22.5. For my snacks I had 3 cough drops (1.0 pt.) and two Mr. Cookie Face ice cream sandwiches (6.0 pt.). [If I had known where I was going to be at the end of the day, I would not have had the second one. ] That made 7.0 snack points, and brought my total points for the day to 29.5.

I drank 12 cups of water yesterday for 96 ounces. I drank the majority of the water in a fairly short time. It took the rest of the evening after dinner to start to feel normal again. I had been real hungry, drank a lot of water, then ate and drank the Smoothie shake, and my poor tummy was overloaded. Well, fortunately it feels better today, and I will try and organize my water and food intake a little better from now on.

For exercise Dotti and I played a good hour of racquetball. I could tell that I had not played for a couple of weeks, because I was ready to quit after the hour was up. Also, my neck was hurting a bit the rest of the day afterwards. I must have wrenched it a bit going for a ball.

Well it is back to driving in the Portland traffic again. :( But it is good to be back home again!)

100 days OP, a lifetime to follow.


239.5/206.5/200/BMI:25.9/WK-14/Weight Loss Graph


Mr. Scale said, “207.0 pounds” this morning at 5:45.

It was the conclusion of yet another roller coaster ride. When I went to bed last night, I weighed 215, and I was up and down all night long. On my way home from work last night, I ate a head of Romaine lettuce, about a quart of fresh broccoli, and half of a very large cucumber. I could not get the other half of cucumber down before I made it home. I was feeling full and already, and Dot had my dinner dished up when I walked in the door (she is so wonderful that way!). I had a WW Smootie shake which was over 42 fluid ounces and a plate of food, which I was unable to finish, but nearly did so. I was so stuffed, I couldn’t even drink any water for over an hour. I had drunk about 3 cups worth of herbal tea, and a cup of decaf at work, none of which I counted towards my water, and I drank most of my 24 ounce cup of water that I had in the car by the time I had gotten home. I was able to finish that cup off, and then write down my 3 cups for it, and then later on I managed to drink a couple of my 24 ounce glasses of water. However, when I went to bed last night, I was feeling very stuffed even still. All night long I was up getting rid of the water and checking how much of the weight was gone.

At one AM I was still 214 pounds. It seemed impossible that it would go down enough by the time I was getting up for the day. By 3:00 AM it was 210 pounds. And then finally, it fell back to normal when I woke up. I am hoping that I can find another approach for today. That nightly roller coaster is not an “E-ticket ride.”

At work, they had changed our accounting software back at the factory, and so I was learning how to use the new package to enter my Field Service Reports, and to track down parts’ locations. Not a very physical day at all. At home it was a computer night, and again not too physical.

For eating yesterday, I had my standard breakfast (5.0 pt.), my standard lunch without the jello (6.0 pt.), and for dinner I had 2 cups of Pasta Italiano (4.5 pt.), 2 pieces of toast (0.5 pt.), and WW Smoothie (2.0 pt.). That gave me 18 points for meals. For snacks, as I said, I had a whole lot of fresh vegetables on the way home from work (0.0 pt.) and I had a cup of decaf at work (1.0 pt.). I also had 3 cough drops, and 2 chocolate meringues (1.0) about 9:00 PM when I realized that my points were pretty low for the day. That was 3 points for snacks, and brought my total for the day up to 21.0 points. (I have never been so completely stuffed on a mere 21 points before!)

For water I drank 9 cups of water for 72 ounces. I really had to work to get them down in the evening too.

Today, I expect to be in the clean room all day long, and so I will not be able to drink water during the day, and that will leave me in the situation of trying to get my water in during the evening again. I will try and see if I can eat a little less on the way home (the trip should be significantly shorter tonight because the site I will be working at is much closer to home than some of the other ones), and leave some room for other things without getting stuffed to the gills.

Yesterday I caught a glimpse of myself in a full length mirror at work, and I was surprised at the difference I could see. Before in that mirror I had always seen an overweight man looking back at me, and I was not pleased with the image. But yesterday, I looked at myself, and thought that I actually looked pretty close to what I should look like. Not quite there yet, but getting close. The places where I was grossly sticking out before, have now well receded. The shirt I was wearing hung straight down my front and my pants did not stick way out in the back. All and all, I was pleased with what I saw, and it has been a while since I could say that!

Oh yes, and when we got back from Eugene this weekend, I tried on some old pajamas I had in my drawer that are light (11 ounces) and should be great for summer, except I could never come close to snapping the pants up before. Well now I can, and I am wearing them this very minute. Things just keep getting better. :)

Monday is gone, which means we are one day closer to Friday! The only problem with this Friday is that it is located in my second half century, and that sounds a bit scary. :(

101 days OP, a lifetime to follow.


239.5/206.5/200/BMI:25.9/WK-14/Weight Loss Graph


Mr. Scale has been a bit grumpy coming back to Portland. Perhaps he liked the weather in Eugene better? This morning at 5:35 he said, “207.0 pounds.” I guess there is something to say for consistency, but he could have at least been consistently at my weigh-in weight rather than a half pound up. I have a couple of more weigh-ins before I get to Saturday, so maybe it will break downward before the week is over.

Yesterday, I spent the entire workday in the clean room. In fact the day ran a little bit long, and I didn’t get out of there until 45 minutes late. I was on my feet the entire time, and I was quite tired by the end of the shift. It was a training class on a piece of equipment that I have not worked on before, and my hands are a bit swollen from the activities I participated in. It was a much better day for exercise, but my body is telling me that I did more than usual yesterday.

The temperature last night did not go down as much as usual either. It is 64 degrees out side and that was the low for last night. Normally the temp has been falling into the low 50s at night. The clouds came pouring in yesterday and they hold the heat in, so it can’t radiate out into space like it normally does, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a warm front came along with the clouds as well. It is raining right now, and my rain gauge says that we have received a little over an eighth of an inch overnight. Typical rain for this area: drizzle, not pour.

This week has been different so far, aside from just being back home and getting back to my normal work routine. I have not been regular at all, since leaving Eugene, and in the evenings, I have felt very full when I eat and drink what I used to consider my normal amount. The scale has pushed up a bit for the entire week so far. I am not sure what to expect for the rest of the week. I will just continue to stay OP and I know that in the long run that will get me where I want to be. In the short run, the “noise” of daily living and different circumstances will cause the scale to do some funny things. No matter. I will reach goal, of that I am certain. As far as weight loss is concerned, what else matters?

I really do hate Portland traffic (even though it is far less hectic than the Boston variety was for all those years) but it was not bad yesterday. I only had to drive to the east side of town and that means I got to avoid all the nightmare stuff on I-84, I-5 and the various parking lots they call highways in the downtown area and on the west side of town. Today however, it is back into the mess. Yuk!

Tomorrow I turn 50, and it highlights the fact in my mind that I am older than all the other guys doing my job in my office. Several of the guys are younger than my oldest son. I can’t move up in my line of work without taking on a lot of flying responsibilities, which I am not going to do. So I am stuck where I am at. But the physical nature of the job is going to catch up with me, probably sometime during the next 10 years, and then I am going to have to find another line of work. I would probably have not left the teaching field except for the fact that the teaching job in my company was located north of Boston, and we wanted to live in the Pacific Northwest. Oh well, we will see what the future brings.

Yesterday, I ate 23.0 points. I had my standard breakfast (5.0 pt.), my standard lunch (7.0 pt.) and Dotti’s Egg and Bacon sandwich on an English muffin. In fact, I had two of them, for a total of 5.0 points. I drank a diet soda (1.0 pt.) with my meal as well. That added up to 17 meal points. For snacks I had 4 cough drops during the day (1.0 pt.) while driving to work, and around at lunch. On the way home, I ate a head of romaine lettuce and the other half of the large cucumber, the first half of which I had eaten yesterday. I had a Mr. Cookie Face ice cream sandwich (3.0 pt.) after dinner, along with a tiny WW Just 2 Points candy bar (2.0 pt.). That brought my snack total to 5.0 points and finished off the eating day.

For water -- I was in the clean room yesterday, and so I did not have any water during the work day. I ended up drinking 9 cups, or 72 ounces of water during the evening.

It is a rainy morning in Portland, and I am off to enjoy my last day in my 40s.

102 days OP, a lifetime to follow.


239.5/206.5/200/BMI:25.9/WK-14/Weight Loss Graph


At 5:30 AM, Mr. Scale said -- you guessed it, “207.0 pounds.” There definitely is a pattern here. :)

I spent a few minutes figuring the odds of winning the Powerball lottery this morning. They say that the lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math. A group of guys at work are chipping in $5 every round on the current pot, and they are up to over $30 each. They are buying about 100 tickets each round. The odds of any one ticket winning is 1 in 80,088,128. So the odds of one of the 100 tickets winning is 1 in 800,881. Now picture a stadium filled with 50,000 screaming fans and all their tickets are in a big barrel, and they pick one ticket to win. How would you feel about your chances of winning that drawing? Pretty insignificant huh? Now think of all the tickets for 16 stadiums just like that one, being dumped into a large warehouse somewhere, and only one ticket being picked and that ticket being yours? On one web page I read that you are 16 times more likely to die in a car crash driving to buy a lottery ticket than you are likely to win that lottery. If people thought about what they were doing, lotteries would die on the vine as extortion. There is a reason why they were outlawed for most of our history. Of course the Mafia and the government and other strong arm organizations have always liked the easy money, and they are the only ones who really financially benefit from the lottery. The insignificant number of people who win are not worth justifying the attention that is given to this government sponsored racket. But since people do not think about what they are doing, the lottery will probably continue to be a growing enterprise, raking in ever larger amounts of money into the government’s pocket. Just a thought.

Yesterday I was busy in the clean room nearly all day. It was funny that the very thing that I had been training on the day before, I got to work on the next day. A machine went down in a big way, and I put nearly everything that I had learned the day before into practice recovering the machine to an operational condition. It was great reinforcement for the training. It also kept me on my feet all day and active, which was a good thing.

I ate my standard breakfast (5.0 pt.)and my standard lunch (7.0 pt.) yesterday. I had half of a Heaven’s Bistro pizza (4.5 pt.) and diet soda (0.0 pt.) for dinner, bringing my meal points to 16.5. For snacks I had 8 cough drops (2.5 pt.) 2 chocolate meringues (1.0 pt.), a WW Just 2 Points bar (2.0 pt.), a cup of decaf (1.0 pt.) and then I split a Mr. Cookie Face with Dotti (1.5 pt.). That made 8.0 points for snacks, and brought my daily total to 24.5 points.

For water I drank 9 cups for 72 ounces.

Today I had a hard time starting my this journal because I was so enjoying reading my birthday thread on the message board Daily. We have such great people here on the board!

50 years old. Wow! That puts 60 just around the corner, and 40 off in the distance. Whatever happened to 20 and 30? :( ) The one thing about getting older is that it beats the alternative. So I will take it with a smile.

103 days OP, a lifetime to follow.


239.5/206.5/200/BMI:25.9/WK-14/Weight Loss Graph


This morning when I woke up at 6:00, Mr. Scale said, “208.0” -- not the sort of Birthday present I was hoping for. I had a bowl of salty popcorn last night while watching the movie with Dot last, and so I was expecting a bit of water retention this morning. It looks like I got it. Tonight, no salt!

Yesterday as I was getting ready for work, Becca, our sweet surrogate daughter, called up to wish me a happy birthday. That was really nice and got me started on my day with a smile. After work our son LeRoy called from Japan. He couldn’t talk long, but he called and that meant a lot. Then just before going to bed last night, my Mom called and we had a nice talk. Reading through all the great posts from the Zonies wishing me a happy birthday was a real joy as well, and of course having Dot here made my birthday a great day.

I was on my feet all day yesterday, for the third day in a row. It has not had any impact on the scale yet but I sure do feel tired. We did some additional training on the equipment that I was in class for on Tuesday. The rest of my training on that equipment is going to be when it breaks, beating my head against it until it is fixed. :)

For eating yesterday I had my standard breakfast (5.0 pt.) and my standard lunch (7.0 pt.). When I got home last night, Dotti had put together an OP strawberry short cake for me that was only 5.5 points. It was delicious. I also had 2 tomato sandwiches (1.0 pt.) That brought my meals to 18.5 points. For snacks, I had 3 cough drops (1.0 pt.), a Mr. Cookie Face (3.0 pt. - because what is a birthday without ice cream?), and a bag of Jolly Time Healthy Pop popcorn (2.0 pt.). That made 6.0 snack points and a total of 24.5 points for the day.

For water yesterday I drank 9 cups or 72 ounces.

Off to face Friday and day 105.

104 days OP, a lifetime to follow.


239.5/206.5/200/BMI:25.9/WK-14/Weight Loss Graph


*** Weigh-in for WEEK 15 ***

Week Completed:__15__
Weigh-In Weight:206.0
Body Mass Index:25.8
Week’s Average Points/Day: 23.4
Pounds lost this week:   0.5
Pounds lost total:33.5
Pounds to go to 10%:0.0*
Pounds to go to goal:6.0

* Made 10% at 215.5 pounds on 7/14/01


For my first weigh-in as a 50 year old, I stepped up on Mr. Scale at 6:35 AM, and he said, “206.0 pounds.” I will gladly take it.

This week has been a pretty steady on the scale. I went from 206.5 on Saturday, to 206.5 on Sunday. And then I moved up to 207.0 on Monday and stayed there Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday, I jumped up to 208.0 just for some variety. I know that last jump was because of a sodium increase from popcorn on my birthday, and so I was unconcerned about that. Aside from the salt bump, I was within a half a pound of my weigh-in weight all week long.

So, what was different this week? I didn’t get much dedicated exercise in. I didn’t go walking this week. I had three days at work where I was on my feet working on equipment all day long. I actually expected that to have as good an impact as walking would have. Apparently I miscalculated. Another thing about this week is that on my last weigh-in I had a larger than average loss. That may mean that I took some of this week’s loss last week, and that made this week a small loss. The biggest change was going from Eugene where I was having a pretty easy time of it, to Portland where things are a lot busier.

And the traffic! The traffic is a killer. (I know it is not the Bay Area or LA, which are far worse, but it is bad enough.) I am taking between an hour, and an hour and a half to go 25 miles each night. Some nights it is as much as 2 hours. It is absurd that a city would actively go out and recruit industry in such huge volumes into an area, and then do nothing but build, and expand “Light Rail” transportation to deal with the influx of people. But each night I deal with that absurdity. And during that drive, I have the greatest eating urges of my entire day. It was during that drive, when I used to go through half a pack of cigarettes on one trip, and it was then when I would eat snacks after I quit smoking. It is nervous eating. Thank goodness for audio tapes, or I would lose my mind dealing with that daily nightmare. So, this week, I did some of that “fun” driving and I ate a lot of free food during those drives.

I have added fresh broccoli to my free food bag this week and I was concerned that maybe it wasn’t “free.” I looked up the calories for it, and I found that it had a significant number of calories. I was a little concerned until I ran the numbers through the calculator. With the fiber figured in, it is absolutely zero points. So, that shouldn’t be a problem. (Even if I had miscounted all of the broccoli points this week, I would have been safe, because my average points for the week were so low. But I counted them right.)

So, being home, not walking, and driving in traffic seem to be the main changes this week. Since I have dealt with all of those things before, I think that the lack of walking, and the fact that I had a bigger than normal loss last week, are the two factors which held me to only a half pound loss this week. That bigger than normal loss is behind me, and it will not effect next week, and I will endeavor to get out and do some walking this week. Hopefully that will get me back on track for next week.

Yesterday at work, I had to go for a company physical, and the doctor’s scale weighed me at 210 pounds, even with my steel-toed shoes on, and my pockets full of assorted items. (I just now weighed the clothes I was wearing at the time and they weigh 9 pounds.) That looked pretty good. The doctor said that their scale weighed light in order to compensate for clothes and so 210 was only a bit off from correct. I had eaten breakfast and drank some water during the morning, so I may have actually been up to 208 or 209 by that time of day. Anyway, I was happy to show him the several notches on my belt that I had moved in, and he said, “You have earned it!” He also thought it was great that I was using the Weight Watchers system for weight loss rather than something like Jenny Craig where you have to buy special food as you are losing and then are “on your own” when reach maintenance. He also remembered about Dotti’s web page that I had talked to him about last year. (I also told him that the page was easier to find now at DWLZ.com.)

My vision was great (20/15) for long distance. It has always been a bit better than 20/20 but my up close focusing is fast going away. I have to wear glasses to see anything clearly that is closer than a couple of feet away. The blood work and hearing test results will be sent along later by mail.

The lab assistant that drew my blood said, “I missed!” when she stuck the needle into my arm. I am thinking to myself, “Oh great. Here we go again.” Back when I was 19 years old, I had a new lab guy stick my right arm 5 times trying to get a vein. He finally left the room and a lady came back in and stuck my left arm once and drew the blood. I had that image creeping up ever more clearly, as she went off in search of a syringe with which to do the job, because she felt that the normal tube and needle apparatus was not going to work as well. As I was waiting, I was thinking that the dark ages with the dungeons and assorted paraphernalia were perhaps not as far removed from our modern life as I had felt they were before entering this office. Why such a thought would cross my mind, I am not sure. :) Anyway, the next attempt was successful and the blood was drawn.

I am hoping for some improvement on my triglycerides, and my cholesterol. My cholesterol has been on the high end of normal for a long time. My triglycerides took a jump up last year, and so I am hoping they will be back down this year.

I also took a breathing test because I have to use a respirator on my job. I hate this test. I have to breathe into a tube that gives no noticeable resistance to the air I breathe out.. I had to breathe out as fast as I could, not holding anything back. I am always a bit below average on the test but still in the “OK” range. I have to do it 3 times and each one has to be fairly close to the other two. By the time I am finished I feel like I have had a workout. (When I was a smoker, that test used to set me to coughing like crazy. Not any more. Yet another thing that is great about being smoke free!)

After the physical, it was back to the office and a physically quiet day. When I got home I wasted the evening on a nice quiet game of Snood. No mental strain, and it relaxed me until bedtime when I read some in my Perry Mason novel and went to sleep around 9:45 PM.

For eating yesterday, I had my standard breakfast (5.0 pt.) and my standard lunch (7.0 pt.). For dinner I had 3 tomato sandwiches (2.0 pt.) and a can of Diet Creme Soda (0.0 pt.). That brought my meals to 14.0 points. For snacks yesterday I had a cup of decaf at work (1 pt.) and one cough drop (0.5 pt.) after my physical. That made 1.5 points for snacks and my total for the day was 15.5 points. That was pretty low, but I was not hungry last night, and with weigh-in coming up on a week I was having trouble moving the scale, I was not going to push it. For the week my points were about 23.5 on average which was also a bit low. I will see if I can get those back in line next week along with my exercise.

For water, I actually did drink quite a bit at work. I was crossing my fingers that they would not call me in to work in a clean room, and it paid off. :) By the time I finished drinking water for the day, at about 8:00 PM, I had drunk 13 cups total, or 104 ounces. That is more like what I am used to. This is another area that changed this week. My water consumption has been lower than previous weeks. One more thing to work on for next week.

Well, enough analysis on the past week. It is time to go out and enjoy my Saturday with my lovely Dotti. Since we couldn’t really do much on my birthday with me working, I think we may do a couple of celebratory things today. :)

105 days OP, a lifetime to follow.


239.5/206.0/200/BMI:25.8/WK-15/Weight Loss Graph