Vitamins and Minerals

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Vitamin Also Known As Recom-
Functions Natural Sources
Vitamin ARetinol
Beta Carotene
10,000 IU Helps build healthy eyes, required for growth and bone development. Beta Carotene is a good antioxidant. Helps healing of infections. Carrots, yams, pumpkins, yellow or orange fruits, beet greens, fish, eggs, tuna
Vitamin B1Thiamine 1.2mg Helps in carbohydrate metabolism and energy production. Required for normal nerve function. Whole grains, rice bran, lean meats, fresh peas, beans, wheat germ, oranges, poultry, fish, enriched pastas
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin 1.3mg Helps in production of energy from foods and the formation of red blood cells. Fortified grains & cereals, leafy green vegetables, poultry, fish, yogurt, milk, cheese
Vitamin B3Niacin 16mg Assists in release of energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins; helps promote healthy skin. Fortified breads and cereals, brewer's yeast, broccoli, carrots, cheese, dandelion greens, dates, eggs, fish, milk peanuts, potatoes, tomatoes, tuna, veal, beef liver, chicken breast
Vitamin B5Pantothenic
10 - 100 mg Helps release energy from foods; required for synthesis of many substances. Lean meats, whole grain cereals, fish, legumes
Vitamin B6 1.3 mg Essential for protein metabolism and nervous system function; participates in synthesis of hormones and red blood cells. Whole grain breads and cereals, fish, chicken, bananas
Vitamin B9Folic Acid 400 mcg Essential for red blood cell formation and synthesis of DNA and protein Fortified cereals, pinto beans, navy beans, green leafy vegetables, beef, brown rice, bran, cheese, lamb, liver, milk, mushrooms, oranges, split peas, pork, tuna, whole grains
Vitamin B12Cyanoco-
2.4 mcg Helps maintain healthy nervous system, required for normal growth and for production of red blood cells. Helps breakdown fatty acids. Ham, clams, cooked oysters, king crab, herring, salmon, tuna, lean beef, liver, low fat diary products
Vitamin C 90 mg Required for formation of connective tissue, bones and teeth; assists in utilization of other vitamins, acts as an antioxidant. Citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, melons, peppers, collards, dandelion greens, onions, radishes, watercress
Vitamin D 600 IU Aides in normal bone growth and tooth function; facilitates calcium and phosphorus absorption. Sun exposure, sardines, salmon, fortified milk, fortified cereals, herring, liver, tuna, margarine, cod liver oil
Vitamin E 22.4 IU As an antioxidant it protects body cells and helps maintain normal red blood cells. Whole grains, wheat germ, nuts, spinach, sunflower seeds
Vitamin HBiotin 0.3 mg Assists in metabolism of carbohydrates and synthesis of fats and proteins. Legumes, nuts
Vitamin K 65 mcg Essential in the blood clotting process. Green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower


Calcium Phosphorous Iodine Iron Magnesium Zinc Selenium Fluoride
800mg 800mg 110ug 10mg 350mg 15mg 70ug 2.9mg

For Your Information: All the given doses are for adult males, and represent the minimum amount that is required for health. In most cases you would aim to exceed these values to ensure that you are getting enough. However, you can take too much! Be careful, and do not exceed the recommended doses by large amounts without first checking to see if it is safe. You take vitamin and mineral supplements to be more healthy, don't lose your aim and do harm by over doing it.

Disclaimer - This page is not meant to be a substitute for any professional advice, guidance, or counseling. Please be advised that this information must not be used to treat or diagnose! While we have attempted to provide accurate information, do not rely solely upon it. If any errors exist, they are unintentional, and will be corrected promptly if located. What is on this page is provided for information purposes only, intended to help give you a better understanding on the importance of vitamins and minerals in maintaining your health.

I am not a doctor. Any information contained on my pages reflect my own experiences. It is not intended in any way to serve as or take the place of medical advice from a physician, or other professional.