Create a List of Things to Tell Yourself.

You have your super reason for quitting, but what do you do when the voice inside you starts plying you with stinking thinking?

First of all, the most important item on this list is the one word response, "SHUTUP!" Your inner voice can be the biggest enemy you have. It will try to tell you that just one cigarette wouldn't be so bad. It will say that you are so ornery today, that you owe it to your family to start smoking again so that they will not have to suffer with your withdrawal. Such nonsense will be generated by the truckload by your inner voice if you do not shut it off at the source.

Secondly, you are a rational human being, and it always is good to have a list of items that you can run down at any time, that show the reasons you want to, no must, quit smoking. You know how your mind works. You know the tricks it will play. Now, while your are not suffering from nicotine withdrawal is the time to think of the appropriate responses to the tricks you know are coming.