Vacation Photos

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(3/27/03) Jim & Tammy's Visit to our Neck of the Woods - September 2002!




Photos - L-R, top row: Here we are at Multnomah Falls, OR
Photos - L-R, bottom row: Taken some photos heading up Mt. St. Helens and then on Mt. Hood, OR

We had such a wonderful time with Jim & Tammy when they came down for a visit with NO CHILDREN!
We laughed the whole time! Al and I took them to Multnomah Falls, Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens - as you can see
by the photos we had a great time and the scenery was breathtaking! This was right after my knee surgery so I
was not able to walk up to the top of Multnomah Falls with them - maybe next time!

(3/27/03) Our Vacation with our best friends, Jim & Tammy - July 2002!




Photos - L-R, top row: Al & Jim; Al, Jim & LeRoy; The Guys serenading us Girls; Dotti, LeRoy & Al; Al, Dotti, Tammy & Jim
Photos - L-R, bottom row: Tammy & I enjoying our "Sinful Sundae" we always SHARE at the Outback Restaurant!

I am very LATE in getting these photos up from our Annual July 4th week visit with our best friends, Jim & Tammy! 
This was also our last time together with LeRoy before the Navy ship he was on, USS Lincoln, departed on 7/20/02 for
Iraqi waters - he was there until a few weeks ago - it was a very long cruise! LeRoy is now out of the US Navy (his
enlistment of 6 years was up) and back here in the area looking for a job. It is good to have him home. As you can see
from the photos Tammy and I are enjoying our "Sinful Sundae". We have been best friends with Jim and Tammy for over
25 years and it just gets better and better! They are truly our "family".


Our Vacation with our best friends, Jim & Tammy - July 2001!

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Photos - L-R, top row: View From Mt. Spokane; Al; Al & Dotti; Jim & Tammy; Tammy & Dotti
Photos - L-R, bottom row: Dotti; Tammy & Dotti; Dotti "trying" scooter!

Another year has gone by and here we are at our Annual July 4th week visit with our best friends, Jim & Tammy!  This year we did some site-seeing in the Spokane area and had a blast exploring new places. Most of these photos are taken from Mt. Spokane, about an hour from Spokane.  The view from atop Mt. Spokane is breathtaking as you can see in the first picture!  As you can tell from the smiles in the photos we had a wonderful time - lots of laughs, new memories and Kodak moments!

Our 25th Anniversary Get Away - Early June 2001!

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The photos were taken on our 25th Anniversary (June 10, 2001) vacation to the Oregon Coast.  It was so nice and the sound of the waves were very relaxing!  Yes, I do like to shop too!  How do you like that bikini?  Hot pink too!  Actually that is the ONLY bikini you will ever catch me in!  

Our Vacation with our best friends, Jim & Tammy - July 2000!

While in Spokane, WA for the week of July 4th, Al and I, along with our best friends, Jim and Tammy (who is a Weight Watcher receptionist at several meetings), headed out to our favorite restaurant, The Outback, for our yearly "tradition". Al brought the digital camera along to document our consumption of the "Sinful Sundae" (wonderful hot fudge sundae with premium ice cream and toasted coconut)!

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From left to right:

1. Here we are with the menu - like we don't know what we want - it's our favorite restaurant!

2. Okay everyone, here we are starting the journey to ecstasy! Doesn't it look just yummy!

3. And here is the item that will get us there!  We are sharing it - 
we are very good little Weight Watchers!

4. Here we are disappointedly putting our spoons down and leaving half the dessert.

5. Oh, forgot to tell you it was just so Al could take the picture. We didn't lick the bowl but came close! The poopy lips are not because we ate it all but because it was all gone!

I would like to add that we had a wonderful dinner of blackened salmon, steamed veggies and shrimp on the barbie! We ate a reasonable dinner, thoroughly enjoyed our "Sinful Sundae" and enjoyed each others company. Tammy and I then "moved on with NO guilt"!

 Our Vacation with our best friends, Jim & Tammy - July 1999!

084b.jpg (69732 bytes)Everyone deserves to splurge once in a while!  How many Points do you think is in that bucket of ice cream?  No, really, we had our 1 Point fudgesicles standing by - heck, we wanted our Kahula & Cream later oh, the sacrifices we must make!


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0125b.jpg (69787 bytes)Heading out to a very scrumptious meal at the Outback Restaurant!  Tammy and I showed control and "shared" our very delicious dessert - even left a drop or two on the plate (now that was very hard to do).

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Al & I with our VERY BEST FRIENDS for over 23 years!  We always have such a great time with them and can't wait to get together with them!  They are WONDERFUL!