Easy 1 Point Biscuits

Thank you Janice!  I have made them adding 3 TBS of fat-free
shredded cheese (add 1 pt) and garlic and they tasted similar
to the ones from Red Lobster.

Makes 2 biscuits

6 tbsp self-rising flour
3 tbsp skim milk
1 1/2 tsp non-fat plain yogurt

Set oven at 425 degrees. Mix ingredients together, spray pan with nonstick
spray and drop biscuits onto it. This recipe makes 2 biscuits.  My leader
suggested spraying the tops with non-stick butter flavored spray but with
or without they are excellent. I like to put a cup of strawberries over them.
Bake for 10-13 minutes.

SERVING SIZE:  1 biscuit

POINTS:  (1)

* Whenever possible, I calculate ALL my Points on my website with my
Offline Points Calculator in the Half Points Mode,
which rounds UP to the nearest Half Point.
This keeps my site consistent.
All point values in black bold are the new PointsPlus values,
while all point values in red bold are the old Point values .

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