Cran-Orange Yogurt Shake

Makes 2 servings

1 cup cranberry juice cocktail
1 (8 oz) container aspartame-sweetened vanilla nonfat yogurt
1 navel orange, peeled and chopped
1 banana, chopped
1/8 tsp ground allspice

In a blender, puree all the ingredients. Refrigerate until cold or overnight.
To serve, stir and pour over ice cubes in tall glasses

SERVING SIZE:  1/2 of mixture

POINTS:  6 (4)

PER SERVING:  216 Calories/1g Total Fat/0 g Saturated Fat
70 mg Sodium/49 g Total Carbohydrate/4 g Dietary Fiber/7 g Protein

* Whenever possible, I calculate ALL my Points on my website with my Offline Points Calculator
in the Half Points Mode, which rounds UP to the nearest Half Point. This keeps my site consistent.

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