South Florida Zonies Meet

Saturday, April 21, 2001 - South Florida Meeting at the Oasis in
Sawgrass Mills, Florida. South Florida Zonies present were: Kelly (KellyA4) and her daughters,
Maria and Anna; Peg (Sailorgal) from the Keys; Donna (Donnadoo), Evie (BocaEvie) and Sherron 
(Redrage), who brought her mom, Molly (Lean2B) and her weight watcher neighbor, Tess. Robin 
(RobinH4444) from Connecticut was also able to be with us.

You've got to feel sorry for any waiter/waitress who  is ever assigned to serve Zonies at a restaurant get together. We're their worst nightmare. Every order is a special order, on the side, hold  this, scrape off that, substitute this, non-blackened, blackened, more water, more lemon, hold the lemon, and the ultimate insult and/or challenge - separate checks for everyone!!!  Funny but true!!!  It was a fun afternoon - we'll do it again soon.  For obvious reasons, we'll have to pick a different restaurant. Evie

I just wanted to tell you all how much fun we had at our So. Fl. Zonies luncheon today. I met BocaEvie, RobinH4444,  KellyA4,  Sailorgal and  Donnadoo.  We had a really good lunch at a place called Legal Seafood in the Sawgrass Mills Mall.  Kelly brought her 2 little girls... I brought my mom and my neighbor Tess.  Everyone was so nice and it's fun to meet some of the people we "talk" to on this site. We decided to do it again... I'm so glad  I went and I look forward to the next time.  Redrage

I'm with you Redrage...It was fun to meet some of the folks from this site. Thanks for welcoming my  girls too. I enjoyed meeting you all. I hope Evie found her car. She was still looking when we left. The rest of you South Floridians need to get with us. You will be blessed and then you'll feel even more at home on this site because you will know folks!!!  Blessings, Kelly

What an enjoyable lunch meeting. What fun to go up to people who "looked lost" to see if they were with DWLZ. Evie was the only one with a picture on the site and she was the only one who brought a sign. RedRage found me first (the obvious Northerner wearing a jacket in FL), then we found Sailor Gal who we thought might be meeting us because she was sitting in one place for "too long". Funny, Donnadoo just walked up and said hello....I guess by that point we constituted a crowd. We all spotted Evie when she arrived.....and gave a group yell. Kelly and her girls showed up shortly thereafter....and we were off to lunch.  While I too would have liked more time to chat with more feels great to be able to connect a name and a face.  Robin

I just want to tell all of you what fun I had meeting all of you. It was great putting faces to names. Evie, thanks for the pictures and it was wonderful seeing you in person! Kelly- your girls are adorable! Sherron- it was great meeting you! Peg- hope your trip to Alabama is going well and let us know if you get the job.   Robin- It was really nice meeting you-hope you had a good flight back to Connecticut and I will definitely call you when I am going to be in NYC.  Donna

Top L-R: Sherron, Molly, Robin, Kelly, Donna, Peg - Bottom: Tess
At the Oasis, Sawgrass Mills Mall

Top L-R: Maria, Evie, Donna  Bottom L-R: Kelly, Robin, Peg, Anna
In front of Legal Seafood Restaurant

L-R  Tess, Sherron, Molly, Robin Kelly, Evie, Peg

At the Oasis, Sawgrass Mills Mall

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