Rosemary & Loyall Meet

Sunday, March 11, 2001 - Robsmary & Loyall Meet

This past Sunday Loyall and her DH met my DH and I at a restaurant in our area.  We had met on the board when I looked for " a buddy right around the corner" from the northern N.J. area.  My DH and I do a lot of hiking, canoeing and other outdoor things so I had mentioned that.  Loyall responded that she had actually hiked in our area and we decided to get together this spring for a hike.  Well, that just sounded too far away!  As soon as they walked in we felt like we were with old friends.  It was really a lovely afternoon of discovering more about each other.  We are looking forward to our hike.  Life is such a wonderful adventure and DWLZ is really making things, wonderful things happen. Loyall took the pictures and will be sending them on to you as soon as possible.  Robsmary

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