Canadian Connection Mini Conference II in Windsor

October 9, 2001

Tom (treiser) & Ingrid (catsmom41)

tomingrid.jpg (25022 bytes)     tomingrid2.jpg (20927 bytes)     tom.jpg (12476 bytes)

Photos - L-R 
Dining in "Little Italy"; Logging on to DWLZ from Chapters; Tom loses 4.6 in Windsor

It was great to meet up with Tom and enjoy a weigh in, a dinner and a visit to DWLZ from Chapters with him. It was an action-packed evening and I wonder what people around us thought as we were giggling and snapping pictures. In any event I'm happy that Tom is a part of our CC regardless of his country of origin - BTW, he says "eh" more than I do! Wonderful to meet you Tom.... Ingrid

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