New York City Zonies Meet

August 18, 2001
New York City
Bernadette (BMWgardenergal), Lisa (LisainQns) and her husband Pat, Virginia (Gin505) and
her husband Bill, and Jean (Generosa). Cynthia (Crazytrkr), her sister,
Dawne (visiting from Iowa) and their cousin Melanie

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The Whole Group & Group Hug
Left Pic - Lisa (LisaInQns) Melaine, Bernadette(BMWGardenergal),
Gin(Gin505), Dawne(Cyn's sis), Cynthia(Crazytrkr), Jean(Generosa)

NYC Zonie Luncheon A HUGE Success!!!!

Well, we did it!!!

We had our first NYC Zonie luncheon, at Planet Hollywood in Times Square! There were nine of us, Bernadette (BMWgardenergal), Lisa (LisainQns) and her husband Pat, Virginia (Gin505) and her husband Bill, and Jean (Generosa). Cynthia (Crazytrkr), her sister Dawne (visiting from Iowa) and their cousin Melanie drove all the way from New Hampshire to attend as well! Unfortunately, Charleen, who started all the planning for us and got the ball rolling, did not make it… we really missed her!

Jean was the first to arrive, and came up to me right away when I arrived a few minutes later (she remembered my picture). I spotted Lisa, Gin and Cynthia as soon as they got off the elevator (the restaurant was on the 2nd floor, above the Planet Hollywood souvenir shop).

Gin's husband brought his WONDERFUL digital camera, and took lots of great pictures, which were posted on their website the next day. Several of the rest of us brought regular cameras, too.

The food was very good (best not to ask about Points, though!), the conversation was lively and non-stop, and a great time was had by all! We were at the restaurant until around 3PM, and then everyone posed for the group hug out in Times Square, and we split up from there.

A really neat part of the luncheon was when we found out that Lisa and Jean live only about 6 blocks from each other, and didn't know it until the luncheon! Even more, turns out Lisa graduated from the school where Jean was a secretary for 30 years! (Jean said that Lisa should check her diploma... Jean typed all the names on them for many years, until they started hand-lettering them in calligraphy. It's very possible she typed Lisa's diploma!

What a small world we live in!!!!

They are both also close to the neighborhood where I lived (Bernadette) when I was very young (til around age 5)... Jean was very familiar with the church/parish my family belonged to there. Bernadette

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