Dotti Meets Spokane, WA Zonies

Thanksgiving Week, 2000 - Dotti with Tammy (GrammaT), Sheila Lee (sheilalee) 
& Eileen (Eileen) in Spokane, WA

While I was in Spokane, WA during Thanksgiving 2000 I met Sheila Lee (sheilalee) at her meeting with Eileen (Eileen), her leader.  My best friend, Tammy (GrammaT) and I went to Eileen's meeting and Sheila Lee showed up with a camera. She wanted to get a picture of the four of us!  I was truly honored and touched! I might add it was one of the BEST meetings I have ever attended! The weight losses in her class were amazing!!! 

Left to Right - Tammy, Dotti, Sheila Lee & Eileen

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