June 22, 2003

The Coon Family Hiking Club
Official Hike #7

5.0 miles - 2 hours 30 minutes

For our Coon Family Hiking Club hike #7 we had Tracy and Dotti's brother Rip along. We pretty much did the same hike that we did on the previous Punchbowl hike and so I am not including pictures of the general hike this time, but there is a link at the bottom of the page to our previous Punchbowl Falls hike, if you would like to go through those pictures. I am including pictures of the people who made the hike this time, and of one new trail element that we accidentally discovered this time out.

Rip, Dotti's brother, Dotti, and Tracy armed with walking sticks and eager to get on the trail.

Tracy and Dotti on the trail.

Tracy, Rip, and Dotti.

Tracy, Rip, and Al.

My smiling Dotti.

Dotti and Tracy.

Is Rip up to something?

Tracy and tree.

Al and Rip.

Take two.

We missed the Metlako Falls viewpoint last time we did this hike.

Here is the Metlako Falls. Notice that it is pouring in from the other side of Eagle Creek. At first we thought it might be Punchbowl Falls. (We had not seen the sign identifying yet.) I noticed that it was coming in from the wrong direction to be the Punchbowl Falls. It was pointed out that it was too tall for Punchbowl falls as well. The shape was wrong too. Finally we found the name of the falls from the sign. (In the meantime Tracy and Dotti wanted to name it the WOW Falls.)

Group pictures go well in front of waterfalls don't you think?

Single pictures of Dotti go well, no matter what the background!

Rip and Falls.

Tracy and Dotti in front of Punchbowl Falls.

Add in Rip.

Rip climbed down on a rock projection into Eagle Creek.

Al climbed down to join him.

This little falls lies just below the Punchbowl Falls area.

The view downstream.

Rip and the mini-falls.

Dotti and Tracy spear fishing. (Do you think the rubber tips will make the job more difficult?)

Rip and great water background.