2nd Annual Dotti's Weight Loss Zone Conference
Our Favorite Quotes
St. Louis, MO - April 19th-21st, 2002

Al (aldwlz): "He who gets up one more time than he falls, makes it through..."

Anne (AuntaAnne): "Moving toward goal"

Becca (BeccaBell): "The Bells make beautiful music together!"

Becca (BeccaBell): "If HUNGER isn't the problem, then FOOD isn't the answer."

Becca (BeccaBell): "There is no such thing as maintaining. Each day, with every choice you make, you're either improving yourself or you're setting yourself back. What's it going to be today???"

Betty (bettyboop2u): "Don't postpone joy!"

Brenda (bzrenew): "Hobbies: Gardening and housework (not really)."

Brenda (beni7664): "Everyone creates their own destiny."

Bernadette (bmwgardnergal): "QUITTERS DON'T WIN; WINNERS DON'T QUIT!!!"

Colleen (SRQ Flygirl): "You, scale, will NOT beat me. Not this time."

Cynthia (crazytrkr): "My world is expanding as my butt is shrinking!"

Danielle (HarleyDG): "The miracle isn't that I'm on this journey...The miracle is that I had the courage to start!"

Dawne (cyns sis): "This (DWLZ) is a stable environment, my Lighthouse, to help me find the strength and perseverence to continue...to not give up mentally when my body decides to give out on me."

Donna (dsjohnson): "I've been rich, and I've been poor-rich is better" - Sophie Tucker "I've been thin, and I've been fat - thin is better" - Donna

Dotti: "Life is an art, and you are the painter, the sculptor, the seamstress of your own tapestry."

Dotti: "One Day at a Time, No Guilt & Move On "

Dotti: "Determination today leads to success tomorrow!"

Emily (empitt): "Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."

Evie (BocaEvie): "Be Well!"

Felicia (fleesh61): "We are all of us stars and we all deserve to twinkle." --Marilyn Monroe

Flo (webbmom): "It's never too late to be what you might have been."

Gin (gin505): "(Goal weight): Who knows? 10% at a time."

Jackie (JackieMom): "Hobbies. What hobbies? With two kids under 3 who has time for hobbies! :)"

Jennifer (jenn): "Obstacles are those pesky things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

Joan (Jsche123): "May the Lord bless and keep the fat, FAR away from us!!"

John (johnpfromkc): "Eat the elephant one bite at a time."

Judy (HeyJude1): "Behave your way to success."

Judy (newwoman): "Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned."

Karen (KarenMlincek): "YES WE CAN and WE WILL!!"

Kate (nebrkate): "Remember: We are worth it!"

Kathy (baggybritches): "It's your mind that sets your limits."

Kelly (aurora22): "I have a year to go before I get my Bachelor of Science in Industrial
Psych, then I'm going to find a fun way to mess with people's minds! "

Kristen (meqtie): "Keep a smile on your face and love in your heart and you will have a better day."

Lauren (twitchly): "Onward and Downward!"

Lori (diverlori): "If I'm underwater, I'm happy!"

Mare (imnorm): "WATCH ME SOAR!"

Marianne (mly): "The incredible shrinking woman. Finally in control!"

Marsha (lisette128): "This is such a great thing we've got going!!"

Mary (SwtMary): "Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes."

Melinda (demomo): "The shortest distance between 2 points isn't necessarily a straight line."

Michelle (whalersfan): "I am determined to lose this weight forever!"

Rosemary (radh20s): "Less is More!"

Sue (sue4mmlp): "Get your mind set - confidence will lead you on."

Tracy (tracylynn): "A year from now, you'll wish you started today!"

Wendy (WW Wendi): "You have everything you need to reach your goals, right inside you."

Anny (anny): "Pray for the world."

Jackie (hillcountrygal): "Have a wonderful day. Be good to yourselves."