2nd Annual Dotti's Weight Loss Zone Conference
Conference Memories - Page 3
St. Louis, MO - April 19th-21st, 2002

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Cam (caseymom99)

It was so very enjoyable and so nice to meet people that I had been conversing with in chat room. Now I can actually put faces and names together. It was very inspiring and hopefully this will be the kick in the britches I need to get back on program and stay there. I would like to be at goal next year when conference comes around again. I enjoyed Dottie and her humor and tears that we all shared in. Since this was the first year I attended I was trying to behave, but did enjoy the entire conference and everyone's input. I met so many nice people. I enjoyed the before and now pictures and lifetimers song "thin thighs". Food was excellent and done very well. Thanks to all who shared in the planning and sharing of their time and effort.


Whitney (whitr)

- Kate making the stupidest jokes and me laughing my butt off all saturday night

- going grocery shopping with harmony and having the cashier talk to harm about her losses and how great she looked

- sitting in the hospitality room and listening to the 100+ forum giggle and try to sing "will have thin thighs"

- arriving late and seeing Michelle walk into the lobby and finally meeting her for the first time in person

- and of course, getting a hug from THE dotti

Memorial Day goal: 11 pds; 3.0 gone
2nd 10%: 162.4
"You only fell off the wagon because you were on it in the first place."
My weight loss photos

Emily (empitt)

There are so many wonderful things I'd like to mention about conference, especially all the fantastic zonies (and lurkers) I met. But the most memorable thing for me was meeting the lifetimers - listening to their stories and seeing their before pictures. I am less than 15# to goal and seeing these lifetimers has given me renewed focus to reach my goal and become one of them! Everyone at conference was so amazing and accepting, regardless of everyone's place in their journeys.

Thank you all for a marvelous weekend.

I truly hope to attend next year with DH and we can both share our WW success stories!

207.4/152.8/140 WW/132 personal
"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success." - Napolean Hill

Robin (Robin4040)

. . . arriving at the airport in St. Louis, and thinking, I'll never find Elliebear amidst all these people, and then looking up and there she was!!

. . . stuffing bags, shuffling paper, and catching up on all the news with Dotti, Barb, DonnaJ and Jackie in the Hospitality Suite, getting ready for conference to "officially" begin!

. . . realizing that Barb, my roomie, in complete accord with rumor, really and truly doesn't budge a muscle until coffee is placed directly under her nose and she inhales!!

. . . realizing that Barb, my roomie, in complete accord with rumor, is a PARTY ANIMAL, sneaking in one night, I mean morning, at 3 a.m.!!

. . . feeling quite at home at Starbuck's with a crowd of coffee holics just like me sipping on their brew in the early morning hours. . .

. . . feeling that pang of heartache on Saturday night, knowing that we were fast approaching the end of our 2nd annual conference.

. . . blaming everything on the time change. . .!!

. . . is that why we got lost on Sunday night? LOLOL!!

. . . sitting between Mya and Felicia on the riverboat cruise, and having a terrific time getting to know these wonderful zonies. You ladies are both terrific!

. . . renewing old friendships, and making new.

. . . getting propositioned while waiting for the runway walk by a guy willing to take on our entire group of mini-skirted knee-high booted women!!

. . . spending special time with Danielle (vivalasvegas), Kristen (meqtie pie), and Karen Bauman (lalurker) on Saturday night.

. . . feeling so very special all weekend long!!! It was hard coming back home and just being plain old me again!!

I had a wonderful time, and would like to be placed on the permanent list of conference goers. I will be there as long as Dotti keeps havin' em!!!

<>< <>< <><
250/152WW/146 Attained Lifetime 7/11/01

Betty (BettyBoop2u)

Yes, there were many, many wonderful memories --and a few silly ones, too:

...We didn't know which location, Tower or Chalet was Dotti's, so initially on Friday we were enthusiatically greeted by some other conference at the Tower. Some guy tried to hug me.

...The Dotti looked fantastic!! Perhaps younger and cuter than last year! She told the inspirational story that is always a motivational high point about her WW journey.

...Sam & I were mostly in another time zone - France - and after being up for over 24 hrs, crashed into dreamland, missing all the fun of introductions & mug exchanges. We have Iowa & Indiana.

...Meeting the old Seattle group --missing those who didn't make it this year.

...Meeting the new St. Louis group, especially the 100's (and the 50's where I lurk)

...Songs. Al's reprise from last year, and the new one for this year (Can he top that next year?) And Becca brought tears to my eyes as she sang.

...Chatting with the supportive hubbies.

...Convincing myself to sing with my 100+ group, a tune I didn't know. There weren't enough "paperclips", so John kindly, shared his with me.

...I briefly re-lived last year's, "Are you hunger enough to eat a can of green beans" over Saturday afternoon coffee.

...Games. Trivia. Which I knew a few answers.

...I got a DWLZ cookbook. May actually cook something. Soon. Well, someday.

...The Panel. Great questions from the audience. All inspirational. Each with their own journey. There is no ONE answer, but a variety of responses reminding us to find our own path and that it may include PASTA ... of course, Sam, and then Betty folded early, but not before 'winning' the "Barbed Wire of Texas" made (& now autographed by the artist, Rick)

...Dotti's STAFF ! This was a funny story that Dotti told. What a labor of love these zonies perform for all of us.

...We liked our room, the sponsors, the food, the hotel staff.

What matters most is how you see yourself ...


Cindy (lilmommy25)

Wanted to share my memories....

We left here (Oklahoma) at 5 am... I am not a early bird. i was taking second shift to drive.. LOL So I was planning to sleep during the first half. WRONG!!!! I was soo excited and nervous that I didnt sleep a wink! We were warned it was a HARD 10 hour trip. Well guess we were over joyed we make it in 7.5 hours! And no we didnt speeed tooo bad. LOL

Not only was I going to get to meet Dotti and my fellow zonies and "Lurkers"... (lol) I was turning 26. It was the greatest birthday present ever to get to meet you all on my birthday. Definately one I will never forget....

We arrived at the hotel. Well the one right next to it. We went to the wrong sheriton at first. but we finally made it! We got our room and went upstairs and just collapsed. Ohhhhhh the beds were sooo SOFT!!!!! And the pillows were out of this world! I hate hard pillows. and these couldnt have been more perfect. We decided since we had been driving all day and were all sweaty. To shower and get dressed to go meet everyone else....

Walking down the hallway to the hospitality room. I get chills. I was so nervous. We walked in and people were everywhere!!!!! I couldnt believe all the people! Every one chatting, laughing, and hugging. It was so calm like in there... I felt odd at first not knowing a single person. We spent about 30 minutes there and decided to go back to our room til dinner. I still wasnt sure about what I was doing there.

So next we go down for dinner. We are sittin there and chatting still nervous. and A .couple ladies came to our table and asked "Are these seats taken?" I said "Not at all. Ya'll sit on down" Let me tell you I learned alot about the way I talk that night.. lol Cheryl and Sue ( I hope I have her name right!) Cheryl was like I like you already! I learned that Illinois is not Illinoisssssss lol We laughed all night! We had soo much fun with you 2! By the end of dinner and after the mug exchange I was startin to relax. And had the time of my like.. We had Ed and Sue alaughin so hard.. Ed was soo red he was laughing. Come to find out there are a couple southerners too. It was great! The night couldnt have been better!!!! What a wonderful night!

The food was fantastic the whole weekend! My favorite was the pasta that tasted like Italian dressing. I have craved that every since... And the no pudge brownies were out of this world! My first time to get to taste them! And lsets just say I have gotten so very gready with my free box.

Dottie was so wonderful! She is one of the nicest people I have ever met! She just hugged me right up! I am so thankful for her and all she has done! She is a hoot!!! she has a wonderuful since of humor! I cant wait to see her and Al again!!!!

I loved chatting with Becca and Alister as well! I love your voices! You sing beautifully!!!! And you look great becca! You are a big inspiration to me as well!!!

Brenda and her Husband were really nice too. Sorry Guys Im still not flyin.. hehehe

Robin and flo were sooo nice too.. And you guys look FANTASTIC!!!!!!! I cant wait to get to tell my story when I am done!!!!

You were all so wonderful! I wont keep naming names not only cause I cant remember them all.. lol But I had a great weekend with all of you! And cant wait to see you again!

I came home with a new out look on my journey!!! I know I can do this! I seen the results first hand! The runway show was soo remarkable! You have all encouraged me sooo much! The only thing I wish I would have done different ly is not been so shy and moved around more and chatted more with all of you!!!! I will remember our wonderful weekend together forever!!!!

Started Aug 28, 2001
31.4 pounds gone FOREVER!
1st 10% Feb 12, 2002
Good luck to all my fellow "LOSERS!" .
St. Louis HERE I COME! Happy New Year!

Felicia (fleesh61)

Well, today is exactly two weeks since i hopped in my car (well, actually hobbled with a bum ankle) and drove on down to St. Louis to meet my friends! I didn't have one fear about it all the way down there...until I walked into the lobby of the hotel...people were already gathered there. But then I saw Deva and Joan, and I knew I was in the right place, and that the weekend would be great. Little did I know that it would be GREAT!

To sum up just some of my favorite memories:

- since I got to the hotel several hours after I had planned, I had to make sure to tell Deva, Joan, Flo and Dotti that I was okay...they were worried about me! Sorry, guys!

- meeting Dotti and knowing that Flo was right - she IS just as nice and sweet and personable in person

- FINALLY MEETING FLO (Webbmom) IN PERSON! We've known each other for almost 3 years (I think) online, and almost met a couple of times, but DWLZ brought us together! It was great!!!

- getting Anny to the store so she could FINALLY taste Skinny Cows

- sitting in Subway with Kate, Deva and Anny - and having some strange (not only as in unknown ) woman start talking to us - and then getting her to take our picture!

- sippy cups

- skittles

- Kate's HUGE water jug - which we all teased her about, and then asked where she got it!!

- meeting so, so many people whose posts I had read...it was like meeting celebrities!

- being Robin's date on Sunday night! It was the best date I've had in a long time, Robin...so thanks!

- Robin's 3-bite piece of cheesecake!

- Joan's napkin trick!!

- getting sooo much motivation for me to start my journey for the last time! Thanks everyone!

- laughing sooo hard that my stomach and my cheeks hurt - and it came at a time when I really needed it!!

Those are just some of them...as someone else posted, the signs all said Dotti's Weight Loss Zone Reunion..and it really was. It was great to solidify friendships with people in person that had already started online. I truly love all of you.

see you in Vancouver!

hugs, Felicia
321(highest)/305(restart)/305(current)/275(1st 10%)/150ish
lost (WW)/16 lost total!
restarted WW 03/04/02 for the last time!

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